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Winter Sports

Registration for Winter sports teams will open prior to the start of the season. All sports teams are TBA based on scholar-athlete participation. 

Winter Sports Teams: 

  • MS Basketball, Girls, Grade 5-8

  • MS Basketball, Boys, Grades 6-8

Parents are responsible for all transportation to and from practices and events that are held off campus

Please see the Athletic Calendar on the Athletics Main page for game schedules for Spring sports.

Questions and comments regarding Treasure Coast Classical Academy athletics should be emailed to our Athletic Director, Danielle Sinatra.


Registration for Winter sports is not currently open. 

  *Scholar-athletes cannot participate in their home zoned school sports teams if there is a competitive team offered at TCCA. If there is not a competitive team at TCCA your scholar may participate in that sport at their zoned school. Please contact Danielle Sinatra before reaching out to your home zoned school.*

ALL required paperwork must be completed in order to participate in a sport. Click here for full packet.